15 February | 7:00 | Upper Hack unless temperatures force us to move it back to Schuilplaats | |
15 March | 7:00 | TBA
12 April | 8:00 | One week earlier than usual; later starting time
We usually meet at the main gate to the Paradyskloof nature area, also known as Eden Forest. Here is a street map to the meet-up location.
We decide on hack dates, times and locations based on this reasoning.
18 January 25 | 7:00 | 200 | Central Schuilplaats, mostly Wattle |
16 November 24 | 7:00 | 199 | Central Schuilplaats: Black Wattle, Pittosporum, Port Jackson |
19 October 24 | 13:30 | 198 | Central Schuilplaats: Black Wattle |
21 September 24 | 13:30 | 197 | Central Schuilplaats: Wattle |
17 August 24 | 8:00 | 196 | Lower Schuilplaats: Bugweed, Pittosporum |
15 June 24 | 8:00 | 195 | Source: Black Wattle, Port Jackson |
18 May 24 | 8:00 | 194 | Bowl: Port Jackson follow-up; Hakea |
20 April 24 | 8:00 | 193 | Bowl: Port Jackson follow-up |
16 March 24 | 7:00 | 192 | Lower Schuilplaats: Finished blackwoods |
17 February 24 | 7:00 | 191 | Lower Schuilplaats: Blackwood |
20 January 24 | 7:00 | 190 | Lower Schuilplaats: Blackwood |
26 November 23 | 8:00 | 189 | Upper Hack, Hakea in Bowl northern slopes, 4 hours |
17 September 23 | 13:30 | 188 | Lower Schuilplaats: Blackwood |
1 September 23 | 14:45 | 187 | Rhenish Primary outing: Introduction to FSM work |
19 August 23 | 13:30 | 186 | Upper Hack, Hakea in Bowl northern slopes, 4 hours |
30 July 23 | 13:30 | 185 | Lower Hack, Lower Schuilplaats: wattle, pittosporum, pine |
24 Jun 23 | 13:30 | 184 | Lower hack, Lower Schuilplaats: thistle |
20 May 23 | 8:00 | 183 | Upper hack on Pyramid slopes and upper Schuilplaats: hakea |
15 Apr 23 | 8:00 | 182 | Lower Schuilplaats: thistle, wattle (A. mearnsii), Port Jackson (A. saligna), bugweed (Solanum) |
1 Apr 23 | 8:00 | 181 | Upper hack, Sheepwalk and cliffs above. Large Hakeas. |
18 Feb 23 | 7:00 | 180 | Lower Schuilplaats: wattle, pittosporum, A saligna, bugweed |
21 Jan 23 | 7:00 | 179 | Upper hack in upper kloof of Schuilplaats (large hakeas) |
17 Dec 22 | 13:00 | 178 | Inside the waterworks dam enclosure (brambles, wattles, A saligna) |