Updated Partial transcript of proceedings of Mobility Forum on 13
September 2018
Updates: 1. Rectified an error pointed out and 2. included an omission on
roads alternatives
Western Bypass and Eastern Bypass
W Bypass has been identified as pPriority link. Allandale Road to
Technopark to Adam Tas to Devon Valley. Currently still in feasibiltiy
study. Needs to be budget by province.
Western Priority Link: Connects Wbpass with R44. Identified as
priority. Condition (!) on Capitec development was to have a second
access route to Technopark.
Map of traffic modelling flows shown.
Eastern Link: Talked about for many years. Now being considered again.
Province requires the portion between PKloof and Trumali as the most
important link. Wildebosch extension. Full Bypass alignment would be
TPark-PKloof-Trumali-Brandwacht into Coetzenburg or Landbousaal or Jan
Province wants to close medians on R44 and on PKloof left-in left-out
butterfly intersection. Traffic model for eastern link.
Eastern link should be lower order road. Single lane not dual. Focus
on NMT and cycle routes.
Current priorities:
- balance tpt network
- eastern and western links are the only ones currently supported
by province, the rest is just being studied.
W Bypass road cross section: dual lanes.
2. HCE Roads master plan is sub-sub part of planning
process. Therefore propose that we abandon the current agenda and
return to the original one.
3. D Botha: A referendum was held and the large majority was against
the eastern link. Second that we go back to original agenda
4. J Fullard: Discuss the roads master plan and the reason why. It is
a strategic plan.
5. D Botha: Vote on the motion
JDV: Discussion only. You are not supposed to prepare, so.
I am not going to go back to the original agenda.
6. Gordge: Cannot have a Roads Master Plan without a Transport Master
Plan. If we started the meeting by saying that it cannot be taken out
of context of the wider legislation.
Is there a preliminary finding on the RMP. Good for information
Changing agenda at a week's notice is not OK.
We are not hearing about issues of transport. I am very concerned.
Gets updated once every five years, does take into account other
modes. At moment we are also finalising SDF, and RMP is a work in
progress and these are the preliminary findings.
The Eastern link has been on previous RMP. Are now aligining with the
??? Mrs Have to concur that discussion is with ALL persons. If one
runs through points of the scope, nothing indicates that this is a
MUNICIPAL event. Difficult to look at W Bypass if we have not looked
at tpt plan. It is not the only item nor can it be dictated.
D LOUW: We are a mun trying to consider functions within the
MRS: FORUM IS discussing issues on an equal basis.
LOUW: We sspelt out what will be discussed, and what items would
be discussed. Rather discuss just ONE point and not all at once.
HCE: Look at legislation. This is a hierarchy, you cannot just start
at the bottom of the pyramid. Must start with the legislation and
policy. Must at the very least be conforming with the own Stellenbosch
IDP and MSDF, see Chapter 6.
LOUW: In preparation for SDF in May 19. Today discuss the problems
with transport.
Gordge: How were the two projects being presented selected? There are
a whole range of alternative transport-based interventions. What place
does the realignment and treatment of Adam Tas itself have in this
plan? Has the Adam Tas upgrade been assessed as one of the options?
Want to offer our help with tpt. Pieces of work should be brought
Fullard: priority links were TPark-ATas link road. Become more
important because of development in that area. Road network
Eastern Link road priority is portion between PKloof and Trumali Rd.
Also come about through development.
R44 Province: Are looking at arterial management plans. If traffic
model does indicate that true priority.
Dr Barnard: Underlying model is really land use. Align SDF with the
modelling exercise. Test NMT scenario. Answer is probably somewhere in
between. Suggestion is to consider focused scenarios. If in conflict
then make a decision one way or the other. If you just talk about RMP
then it too narrow. I see RMP as the OUTCOME of the transport master
FULLARD: Are updating the CITP. Last compiled in 2016, every year
doing an upgrade. RMP and traffic modelling are only preliminary, much
more modelling that should be done. Not focused on only cars traffic.
Land use is primary. Nodes, that drives the transport and master
plan. Spines.
Royal Haskoning 2014 study and recommendations on the central area
between Eerste Rivier and Du Toit Station: why is the Royal Haskoning
roads suggestion not on the agenda here?
Need to densify. There is a close link between land use and transport
and tail wagging the dog driven by urban sprawl Libertas and R372
If you ignore the legislation you make yourself vulnerable.
JDV: Thanks for the input. No one is trying to ignore the central
issues. Listen to the issues.
D BOTHA: Stedelike kruip ontwikkelingsplan sonder dat daar na die
ander alternatiewe oorweeg word. Baie ontwikkeling, bring net meer
karre. Kar is nie meer koning nie.
JDV: Daar is nie stedelike kruip agenda nie. Dit is ;n gevaar, moet
dit ernstig opneem. Ons is nie hier om besluite te neem nie. Kry asb
almal se kommentaar. Ons probeer juis julle kommentaar te kry.
D LOUW: Reading definition of "forum": issues to be exchanged. We are
presenting a problem to community, how are we going to solve it.
E and W bypass do not fall nicely on peoples ears. Working on
traffic management. How do we go forward when ...
Yolande: Het gewerk op die micro sim model: beperkte fondse gehad. Het
net W Bypass vs Link ens gedoen. Die W Bypass maak volgens modelle nie
nou sim nie. Link na TPark maak baie sin, en dit bevoordeel karre wat
*** 600 karre *** R44 Bird Str kom met voorstelle. 2. Ons was ook met
die large employer tpt plan. Hulle is bereid om saam te werk,
corporate buses in te stel. Het skakeling nodig met Mun.
JDV: Uit ons begroting oogpunt is net geld vir W Link Road. Geen geld
vir bypass nie. Ek het by Richard geleer: ons sal inisiatiewe nodig
waar daar car pooling ens nodig is. Ons gaan al hoe meer hoor oor
omgewingsake klimaatverandering
HCE: Kan ons asseblief PSDF SDF en PLTF op die agenda van die volgende MF sit?
JDV: Ons kan so maak.
WYK 7: MNR: Lede sterk teen die E verbypad. Brief aan Mun om dit
asseblief te staak bv Boland College. Waar op lys is die
verkeersprobleme tussen Rivier en Du Toit stasie? Hoe word die agenda
vir die vergaderings bepaal?
FULLARD: RMP is only one aspect of planning. We do take into account
higher ranking legislation such as SDF, filters through to each plan.
Other initiatives: Large employer. Lots of construction related to
NMT, working with taxi industry. On traffic side, busy with traffic
signal optimisation, esp R44. Smart technology.
JDV: Ons het op eerste forum gese dat enigiemand 'n epos kan stuur en
vra dat dit op die agenda gesit word.
GORDGE: Comments on previous speakers. From our work (Stell Mun and
Province), we drafted in April a 10 point plan in which there was a
recognition that things would get worse before it can get better. We
need a whole series of behaviour changes. Factors before you can start
with a harder push. We have until May 2019, SDF process running,
engagement with service providers, have as much openness to have a
constructive way forward. If we cannot get transport working in
Stellenbosch, we cannot get it working anywhere. It has to be ajoint
venture between Mun, Univ, private sector. Next 6-9 months is
absolutely crucial.
Link between TPark and ATas is VITAL. That road should be declared a
provincial. But the road should not be driven by developers. That is a
short link. I am baffled why the Eastern link has been resurrected.
Work that was done in the PSTP must be brought into the discussion.
We can get ourselves into a corner if we do not consider full context.
Neil Bosch: provincial government planning directorate. Problem that
we grabbed an intervention without following the full
steps. Traditionally we aimed to improve capacity. We should change
the mode of transport and not add capacity. Tpt and NMT is now the
major issue and not road links. such a link will not make sense in the
next five years. Adding capacity will not help. Time needed but
direction must be right
JDV: From being in local government: To change the mode of transport,
I agree that one golden bullet is to use less cars. But local
authorities challenge is to have a functioning public transport
system. Rail is a major problem at the moment. We need to get
provincial government to take over rail.
Bosch: Rail is the backbone, but the Stellenbosch way of travel is not
a major contribution to the congestion. A lot of it is caused by intra
municipal and commuting. Rail is not going to solve that. Major
intervention is modal shift.
Piet van Blerk ICE: W Verbypad: my opinie dit is 'n pad vir 'n streek,
dink dit is essensieel, dalk nie in volgende paar jare maar
later. Erens moet daar 'n suid noord roete kom. Ons sal ontwikkeling
sien, ons sal moet kyk hoe gaan ons die interne verkeer hanteer. TPark
se SRA is besig met hersonering om parkering aan te spreek.
Eastern Link is om NMT aan te spreek. Verkeer op R44 moet dorp
toe gaan. Ons moet NMT aanspreek en kyk hoe dit inpas.
Johan ***: verkeer studie in middedorp. Baie motors soek net parkeerplek.
Van Blerk: Ek sal graag hoor. Dit is 'n link road nie 'n bypass nie. Ons het
voetpad JTown begin bou, het by Blaauwklippen Rivier gestop weens EIA.
Techno Ave to be widened. Survey done in TPark and the first thing
was traffic and parking.
Survey done by Capitec: only 13 percent live in Stellenbosch.
CAPITEC ***: die meeste verkeer kom van buite Stellenbosch. Grootste
gedeelte kom van noordelike voorstede. 1500 mense en daar sal nog 'n
gebou gebou word. Baie gesprekke oor tpt maar opnames wys dat mense is
besig om weg te beweeg van publieke vervoer. Mensae ry nie meer trein
nie het onveilig en onbetroubaar nie.
1. Re Blerk: Densification along SPINES and in NODES. Route upgrading
along SPINES.
2. reallocate municipal budget, current allocation to NMT is far too small
3. What input is there to Mun from this forum?
4. Email link to documents webpage
5. Must compare to other road alternatives e.g. the proposal of road
link between Bosmans Crossing and Plankenbrug Road. There is also a
proposal just to widen the R44 between Jamestown and Adam Tas to
include a transport-only lane and better NMT lanes.
FULLARD: Paaie budget sluit in maintenance in, rehabilitation en
reseal en upgrading van gravel roads.
Capitec gee vir ons meer probleme. Maak huisvesting op die boonste
vlakke van kantore.
MNR CARINUS (Wynland): Londen is 10 keer mense en sy publieke vervoer
is baie sterk. Voorstaner van publieke vervoer, maar daar is areas wat
as openbare parkeringsareas ontwikkel kan word. Shuttle services na
park and ride.
R BADENHORST: Eggers had 2017 figures. The Mayor's budget speech:
Road upgrades R140m, over next three years NMT R11.5m plus R10m (CITP,
taxi rank,
MEV ???: Daar is net EEN Golden Arrow bus tussen Somerset en
Stellenbosch. Baie ongerieflik. Moet gemaklik veilig en betroubaar
gemaak word. Het gedink om op eie kapasiteit dit te doen. Maar
veiligheid en versekering het dit laat swyk.
Laat Studente buite die dorp parkeer en inry.
MNR ??? Taxivereniging Franschhoek: Ons het gevra vir ondersteuning
van munisipaliteit. Word belet om in Hoffmannstraat en Krigestr te
ry. Het boetes gekry as taxis dit gedoen het. Gee taxis meer kans dan
sou ons probleem opgelos gewees het. Busse word met miljoene rande
gesubsidieer. Wetstoepassing moet strenger wees. Wetstoepassing het
verslap. As Mun verkeer as 'n prioriteit maak, dan moet hulle
Lesley Schopelo Franschhoek Taxivereniging: Gebiede wat ons nie in mag
beweeg nie. Mag net ry waar permit ons toelaat. Dorp het 'n publieke
vervoer probleem. Opgradeer van publieke vervoer sal mense van karre
af kry. Mense bang vir taxis want hulle is bang vir
onveiligheid. Taxis word nie gesubsidieer nie. Taxi industrie moet
geken word hieroor. Opgradering van public transport is goed. Hou van
dedicated lane en laat die karre staan. Dit sal mense laat oorskakel.
JDV: Shuttles by die woordfees was baie gewild.
MEV ???: Ek is bly oor taxivereniging. Bekommer ons het nie
toeganklikheid vir vervoer (rolstoel ens). 8 persent is disabled, kan
nie in dorp kom. Menseregte, maar daar is nie 'n plan om hulle te help
nie. Moet dit ook aanspreek.
D BOTHA: Gaan baie swak met fietspaaie. Ons het 'n goeie fietsplan,
maar geen uitvoering nie.
Bosch: Taxis is effektiewe manier. eThekwini het 'n studie by SA
Transport conference uitgewys en sien taxs as 'n korttermyn oplossing
vir die vervoer probleem. Met minder geld kan mens so baie meer
JDV: Services need to be prioritised. However, do agree that tpt
We will review all suggestions for the next meeting. Starting with the
PSDF in the next round would be a good start.
Louw: Next meeting in January; MF to meet quarterly.
Botha et al: Kwartaalliks ontmoet gaan nie prakties wees nie.
Closing at 15h00